Devlog videos
I enjoy making devlogs (development logs), as coming up with videos and editing is a fun and creative process. My goal making devlogs is to inspire and to show how I approach game development. I try to make my videos both educational and entertaining. At the same time they give me the opportunity to show off projects and get eyes on my steam page.
Why devlogs
I used to just post small game dev clips on Twitter and Reddit, before also moving them to YouTube as backup. At some point during the second half of 2020 this clip blew up:
I had already thought about making a devlog before, and this was the perfect opportunity to start making long-form videos. I posted my first real devlog about Formbound at the start of 2021.
Below is one of my newer devlogs, where I talk about tackling game design decisions and reworking Formbound:
As mentioned in the above devlog, one of the main challenges with YouTube game dev videos is to balance development and video creation. Initially I used to add features just because people wanted to see them or because they would make for a cool video.
Currently, my primary focus is game development, and I make videos when there is actually something to show.